Flower Workshop Ticket 03-04-2025


During a Flower Workshop flower artist Yoko Negi shows how to make a beautiful flower arrangement and after the demo you are also going to make your own flower arrangement with the seasonal Spring flowers Yoko selected by herself in unique color palette. You can bring your own creation home to taste Japanese-European Ikebana philosophy with the natural beauty. During the workshop the ladies from Hug the Tea will also give a matcha demo and serve different rounds of Japanese tea ánd bites.

  • Date: Thu: 03-04-2025
  • Time: 19:30-21:30


During a Flower Workshop flower artist Yoko Negi shows how to make a beautiful flower arrangement and after the demo you are also going to make your own flower arrangement with the seasonal Spring flowers Yoko selected by herself in unique color palette. You can bring your own creation home to taste Japanese-European Ikebana philosophy with the natural beauty. During the workshop the ladies from Hug the Tea will also give a matcha demo and serve different rounds of Japanese tea ánd bites.

  • Date: Thu: 03-04-2025
  • Time: 19:30-21:30
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Location: Hug the Tea bar, The Hague, NL
  • Cost: €90 (incl. flowers, matcha demo, Japanese teas and bites)
  • Minimum participants: min. 10 persons per workshop
  • Maximum participants: 15 persons per workshop

About Yoko Negi

Yoko Negi is a Japanese flower stylist based in Rotterdam after a long floral experience in Paris. She creates stunning and unique flower decorations for shops, showrooms, editorials and weddings. She also organizes inspiring flower workshops in Paris, Tokyo and Rotterdam on a regular basis. Her clientele extends worldwide as French old brand Louis Vuitton, Dior, Maison Trudon and others.

yoko negi flower

Would you like to come? Order a ticket a.s.a.p, as there are only a limited number of places.

Attention: It’s not possible to cancel after 7 days before the date because we have to reserve and buy flowers before and preparation for it.

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