Can I drink matcha during my pregnancy / zwangerschap?
BLOG #38: Matcha & zwangerschap
BLOG #33: L-théanine à Matcha
L-théanine à Matcha Le matcha de Hug the Tea est riche en acides aminés et l’un de ces acides aminés est la L-théanine. Cet acide aminé a un effet réducteur de stress. Le matcha provient du théier Camelia sinensis et le thé vert contient de nombreux acides aminés. Le matcha est fabriqué à partir de …
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BLOG #30: The Superfood Matcha
Superfoods are all the hype nowadays. With a new wave of consciousness towards health, wellness and good nutrition, one element that sticks out in conversation is the power of superfoods. Superfoods have no official classification, however, there are a few aspects that generally determine their status. Firstly, foods considered healthy superfoods have an extraordinarily high …