Besides that you can drink Matcha pure, you can also blend with it. For example in a milkshake, matcha latte, matcha smoothiebowl and smoothie. In our matcha bar in the Hague you can also order these matcha drinks and bowls. Here we share the recipe for the Matcha Green Smoothie.
– 1/2 banana
– 1 cup of frozen mango, pineapple or other fruits such as pear and kiwi
Put the fruit in the blender. Add 175 ml almond milk and blend it for about 2 minutes until it is a nice smooth smoothie. Pour it into a glass and add a straw if necessary.
Did you know?
Did you know that Matcha contains 50 times more antioxidants than for example broccoli, and 124 times more than spinach? There is no other natural product so rich in antioxidants as Matcha. But not only Matcha makes this smoothie so healthy. Ginger also contains many good substances and has more than 22 health benefits. It is good for digestion and helps with bloating and stomach acid. In addition, ginger, like Matcha, strengthens the immune system. This green smoothie is ultra-healthy! 😉
L-théanine à Matcha Le matcha de Hug the Tea est riche en acides aminés et l’un de ces acides aminés est la L-théanine. Cet acide aminé a un effet réducteur de stress. Le matcha provient du théier Camelia sinensis et le thé vert contient de nombreux acides aminés. Le matcha est fabriqué à partir de …
Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en NL. Pour le confort de l’utilisateur, le contenu est affiché ci-dessous dans une autre langue. Vous pouvez cliquer le lien pour changer de langue active. Steeds vaker krijgen wij in de teabar de vraag naar gember thee, kamille thee of een andere blend / kruiden thee. Onze theeën …
Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en NL et ENG. Pour le confort de l’utilisateur, le contenu est affiché ci-dessous dans la langue par défaut du site. Vous pouvez cliquer l’un des liens pour changer la langue du site en une autre langue disponible. Groene ijsthee Een tijdje geleden hebben we een ice tea brewer uitgeprobeerd …
RECEPT #27: Matcha Green Smoothie
Besides that you can drink Matcha pure, you can also blend with it. For example in a milkshake, matcha latte, matcha smoothiebowl and smoothie. In our matcha bar in the Hague you can also order these matcha drinks and bowls. Here we share the recipe for the Matcha Green Smoothie.
– 1/2 banana
– 1 cup of frozen mango, pineapple or other fruits such as pear and kiwi
– 2 tsp Premium Matcha (klasse B)
– 175 ml almond milk
Extra necessities:
– blender
– glass
– straw
Preparation method:
Put the fruit in the blender. Add 175 ml almond milk and blend it for about 2 minutes until it is a nice smooth smoothie. Pour it into a glass and add a straw if necessary.
Did you know?
Did you know that Matcha contains 50 times more antioxidants than for example broccoli, and 124 times more than spinach? There is no other natural product so rich in antioxidants as Matcha. But not only Matcha makes this smoothie so healthy. Ginger also contains many good substances and has more than 22 health benefits. It is good for digestion and helps with bloating and stomach acid. In addition, ginger, like Matcha, strengthens the immune system. This green smoothie is ultra-healthy! 😉
Enjoy it!
the Tea Sisters
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