When we started with Hug the Tea in 2015 Matcha wasn’t known yet. In our tea store & bar we had to give a lot of text and explanation, but slowly matcha became more and more famous and popular. Nowadays you suddenly see it everywhere… But why is matcha so popular?
BLOG #49: Why is matcha so popular?
BLOG #38: Matcha & pregnancy
Can I drink matcha during my pregnancy / zwangerschap?
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BLOG #21: 10 Health Benefits of Matcha
Health benefits of Matcha Matcha tea often is called the superfood of superfoods. We all know that green tea is healthy. One cup of Matcha contains as many antioxidants as 10 cups of ‘normal’ green tea. Tea powder is 115 times richer in antioxidants than regular green tea. EGCg (epigallo catechingallate) is a unique antioxidant, …
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RECEPT #27: Matcha Green Smoothie
Besides that you can drink Matcha pure, you can also blend with it. For example in a milkshake, matcha latte, matcha smoothiebowl and smoothie. In our matcha bar in the Hague you can also order these matcha drinks and bowls. Here we share the recipe for the Matcha Green Smoothie. Ingredients: – 1/2 banana – …
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RECEPT #26: Matcha Coconut Bars (by the Green Happiness)
De dames van The Green Happiness hebben iets heerlijks en gezonds gemaakt met onze Matcha! Zoals jullie misschien weten is deze groene poederthee enorm rijk aan antioxidanten (137x meer dan in groene thee). Je gebruikt het hele blad (verpulverd) waardoor je enorm veel voedingsstoffen (o.a. calcium, kalium en ijzer), chlorofyl (energiebooster) en antioxidanten binnenkrijgt met …
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BLOG #13: Detoxing with HUG THE TEA!
Matcha is the perfect detox drink, read more about the health benefits
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BLOG #3: The benefits of green tea…
In this blog, we want to share what we have discovered in the past six months about green tea. We are open now more than four months with our teabar in The Hague and several customers are coming back with positive messages about what green tea is doing with them. You can think of health …
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BLOG #20: Bloggers about HUG THE TEA
Sorry, this part of the website is only available in Dutch For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Bloggers. Food-bloggers. Lifestyle-bloggers. Interieur-bloggers. Influensers. Tegenwoordig zijn er aardig wat actieve bloggers en ook wij zelf schrijven regelmatig een …
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BLOG #10: How to make a good Matcha Latte?!
It’s the ‘bestseller’ in our teabar: Matcha Latte, also called the ‘green cappuccino’! It’s a very healthy coffee substitute; Matcha is very high in theïne and gives you an gradual energyboost during the day (for about 6-8 hours). Matcha is also very rich in antioxidants (catechine EGCg) vitamins and minerals. It’s a real superfood (or actually super-tea) with many …
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BLOG #6: Green iced tea or beer… The thirstquenchers!
A while ago, we have tried an ice tea brewer at Dok Cookware in The Hague. The ice tea brewer looks pretty cool with the glass bowl and special ice can (see the photo below).We had brought a bag of our Sencha and a coffee- and teaspecialist from Dok made a Sencha green iced tea. This he did …
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BLOG #4: Green tea from Japan – GRN TEA FRM JPN
Regularly people ask us: Why did you choose specifically green tea from JAPAN? In previous blogs, it has become more clear why green tea has our preference; this is the purest tea (no or very minimal fermentation and healthy substances stay in the leaves) and it is simply delicious to drink 😉 But why Japanese tea? We …